The International bestselling novel that is an unforgettable, sweeping tale of nineteenth-century...
Edward Rutherfurd was born in England, in the cathedral city of Salisbury. Educated locally, and ...
Opulent, farbenprächtig, hochspannend und zutiefst menschlich
The first of two books looking at the history of Dublin, and therefore the history of the whole i...
Paperback edition of Rutherford's latest epic novel, which tells the story of the history of Pari...
Best-selling author Edward Rutherfurd has lived in Ireland for the past decade; with the help of ...
Opulent, farbenprächtig, hochspannend und zutiefst menschlich.
Der Meister des Monumental-Epos entdeckt Paris neuVon der Gründung in der Antike bis zum 20. Jahr...
Opulent, farbenprächtig, hochspannend und zutiefst menschlich.