»Die Nacht« machte Elie Wiesel weltberühmt und sie ist heute ein Standardwerk deutscher Geschicht...
The new translation of the bestselling memoir Night in one volume with its companion novels, Dawn...
A new translation from the French by Marion Wiesel. Night is Elie Wiesel's masterpiece, a candid,...
»Ich weiß - und ich spreche aus Erfahrung -, dass wir selbst in der Finsternis Licht schaffen und...
Born into a Jewish ghetto in Hungary, as a child, Elie Wiesel was sent to the Nazi concentration ...
Der Holocaust in Rumänien: ein Beitrag zu einem nach wie vor lückenhaften Forschungsfeld.Mehr als...
Elie Wiesel's heartbreaking narrative poem about history, immortality, and the power of song, acc...
A six-day series of interviews between Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Elie Wiesel and French journali...
Now in paperback, Wiesel's newest novel 'reminds us, with force, that his writing is alive and st...
Conversations with Elie Wiesel is a far-ranging dialogue with the Nobel Peace Prize-winner on the...
Distinguished psychotherapist and survivor Elhanan Rosenbaum is losing his memory to an incurable...