Kultur und Kunstschaffen leiten Entwicklungsprozesse ein, die auch den Ort, an denen sie stattfin...
Immer mehr Menschen dient Urlaub und Reisen dazu, einen Reflexionsraum des persönlichen Denkens u...
Die Herausgeber wollen mit diesem Band ein Neu-Denken von auf Wachstum basierenden Wirtschaftsfor...
¿Innovationen in der Hotellerie stellen besondere Herausforderungen an das Management und die Ges...
This book explains and analyzes entrepreneurship and cultural management issues in the creative a...
This book analyses the impact of economic, social and environmental changes on destination manage...
This book explains and analyzes entrepreneurship and cultural management issues in the creative a...
The nature of work is changing, due to demographic shifts, globalization, and digitization. Regio...
This book examines the current use of digital media in religious engagement and how new media can...
This book calls for rethinking the meaning of sustainable development in tourism and explores how...
Overtourism explores a growing phenomenon in tourism that is currently creating tensions in both ...
This book examines the current use of digital media in religious engagement and how new media can...