Das großartige Finale: Band 5 der magischen Romantasy-Saga, voller Action, Drama und einer bitter...
Band 3 der magischen Romantasy-Saga, voller Action, Drama und einer bittersüßen Liebe zum Dahinsc...
Band 4 der magischen Romantasy-Saga, voller Action, Drama und einer bittersüßen Liebe zum Dahinsc...
***Like Fire Love Burns***
***Eine junge Frau mit einer verloren geglaubten Gabe. Ein Prinz, beschenkt mit der Macht über da...
She thinks he's a stuck-up prince. He thinks she's the most incredible woman he's ever laid eyes on.
A steamy twist on the tales of Hades and Persephone and the Beauty and the Beast...The elves co...
A grown up Little Red Riding Hood meets werewolves and witches in an adult fantasy romance that's...
Inspired by The Little Mermaid and the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice...She sold her soul to a si...
A steamy, swoon-worthy, and darkly-reimagined Snow White meets the Beauty and the BeastOn the nig...
A sizzling take on the tales of Cinderella and Psyche and ErosShe knew her hand in marriage wou...
'Three thousand years ago, humans were hunted by powerful races with wild magic until the treaty ...