Four devastating tales from a master of modern horror...This Skin Was Once MineWhen her father di...
A beautifully crafted, devastating short fiction collection from the Bram-Stoker finalist and aut...
An insidious darkness threatens to devastate a rural New England village whenoccult forces are co...
Eight stories of literary dark fiction from a master storyteller.Exploring the shadow side of lov...
An insidious darkness threatens to devastate a rural New Englandvillage when occult forces are co...
Shortlisted for the 2023 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in a First Novel.A haunting a...
Erstverkaufstag: 28.01.2025
From the Bram Stoker Award-finalist and Splatterpunk Award-winner of Things Have Gotten Worse Sin...
Erstverkaufstag: 01.04.2025
THIS SKIN WAS ONCE MINEWhen her father dies under mysterious circumstances, Jillian Finch finds h...
Erstverkaufstag: 23.09.2025
Michael McDowell's Blackwater meets Clive Barker's The Great and Secret Show in the disturbing fi...
Each precious thing I show you in this book is a holy relic from the night we both perished-the n...
'When you're given a gift, something else gets taken away.'A precocious young girl with an unu...
'When you're given a gift, something else gets taken away.'A precocious young girl with an unu...