A thrill-seeker studies a language learned through close encounters with death. A flock of extinc...
Your nose is to the grindstone, day after day. You spend your work hours overworked and underappr...
Fascism didn't die in 1945. Its grave was only temporary. Rising again, this undead ideology sham...
Reader beware! This sports and fitness body horror anthology is dangerous. Side effects include m...
A vengeful owl haunts the man who poached her. A desperate entrepreneur holds a ghost hostage for...
Cursed Morsels Press presents tales of teacher horror from Corey Farrenkopf, Emma E. Murray, Cynt...
Politeness is the glue that holds society together. We are all expected to do our part-a pressure...
A lesbian teams up with an ancient filth god to destroy her puritanical landlady. A lonely entrep...