Einer der führenden Hirnforscher Deutschlands und eine Psychologin plädieren für Langsamkeit und ...
The advances in neuroimaging technologies have led to substantial progress in understanding the n...
Cultural neuroscience combines brain imaging techniques such as functional magnetic resonance ima...
¿Gestalten und Erkennen - Kompetenzbildung in den künstlerischen Fächern und Fachbereichen der Sc...
The neuropsychological rehabilitation of patients with brain in juries presents a new challenge ...
Cultural neuroscience combines brain imaging techniques such as functional magnetic resonance ima...
The advances in neuroimaging technologies have led to substantial progress in understanding the n...
Das Gebiet biologisch inspirierter Informationstechnik (IT) ist von großer mittel- bis langfristi...
The Federation of German Scientists together with the Institute of Medical Psychology, Ludwig Max...
Neuroaesthetics has become an important new field in the sciences bringing together researchers f...