WORK IS IN FRENCH This book is a reproduction of a work published before 1920 and is part of a co...
Les Mystères de Paris est un roman français publié en feuilleton par Eugène Sue dans le Journal d...
La mort est en fête ! Elle frappe à coups redoublés dans nos rangs : après Alfred de Musset, c¿ét...
'Eugène Sue - Le Juif Errant, Tome II' poursuit l'épopée fascinante du personnage central, le Jui...
The first of the two, whose arrival had interrupted the answer of the notary, was Faringhea. At s...
1844. Volume I of III. Sue, who was trained as both a physician and seaman, achieved his greatest...
Since three days, Mdlle. de Cardoville had left Dr. Baleinier's. The following scene took place i...
'Tis night - the moon is brightly shining, the brilliant stars are sparkling in a sky of melancho...
The Poniard's Hilt (originally titled Le Poignard) is a historical adventure novel by Eugène Sue,...
The site is wild and rugged. It is a lofty eminence covered with huge boulders of sandstone, betw...
About two hours before the event last related took place at St. Mary's Convent, Rodin and Abbe d'...
As the eagle, perched upon the cliff, commands an all-comprehensive view - not only of what happe...