This manual is for designers, developers, builders, and others who wish to build elevated residen...
This guide provides step-by-step advice on how to create and maintain a comprehensive emergency m...
Many homeowners feel they are trapped in a never-ending cycle of flooding and repairing.In addi...
CONTENTSPrefaceIntroduction, Background and Seismic Risk AreasPrinciples of Seismic Resistance in...
This manual has been developed to illustrate a broad range of floodproofing techniques that can b...
The 2011 Coastal Construction Manual, Fourth Edition (FEMA P-55), is a two-volume publication tha...
Women have a long history as firefighters, yet only recently have significant numbers of women be...
This publication presents seismic design and construction guidance for one- and two-family houses...
With full color photographs and other illustrations.
Full color, illustrated publication.