This humorous tale of the naïve and curious African student-cum-philosopher wandering between Nor...
In this juvenalia, his first collection of poems, Francis Nyamnjoh takes the reader back in time,...
'We cannot imagine life now without a mobile phone' is a frequent comment when Africans are asked...
Dieudonnes life is spun from the threads of one of Africa's grand moral dilemmas, in which person...
One day, Mama Ngonsu told her son: 'Normally, a child grew up and stayed around to help his paren...
In Mind Searching Nyamnjoh has attempted to do something rather clever - to expose, through the a...
Life in Safang could not have been more idyllic for Ngoma and Shaka, his elder sister. Under the ...
Set in the fictional and reluctantly bilingual land of Mimbo in contemporary Africa, this story r...
Intimate Strangers tells the story of the everyday tensions of maids and madams in ways that brin...
Married But Available ventures into a theme about which people say as much as they withhold. It e...
This book presents a series of reflections by Cameroon scholars on a variety of topics associated...
Faced with a deepening crisis in their universities, African students have demonstrated a growing...