In this stunning thriller from the father of Christian fiction, a grieving husband encounters a t...
Now available in mass-market paperback. A thriller that penetrates to the very heart of a vast st...
As Darkness Threatens, Four Gifted People Will Give the World Its Best--And Maybe Only--Chance to...
Lila and Jay Cooper have joined their dad on a mission to the jungles of Central America, where a...
This groundbreaking work shows how we all - bullies and victims alike - can find both healing and...
In 1885, the Murphy mine struck gold. According to legend, Annie Murphy killed her husband out of...
'La unica manera de salir esta dentro'--Jacket.
Biblical archeologist Dr. Jacob Cooper arrives in Togwana with his children Jay and Lila and one ...
Fourteen-year-old Jay Cooper is enjoying the view from his Uncle Rex's Cessna when a low-flying 7...
The sleepy, eastern Washington wheat town of Antioch has suddenly become a gateway for the supern...
Un pecado antiguo. Un juramento olvidado hace mucho tiempo. Un pueblo con un secreto mortal.