The famous young detectives Frank and Joe Hardy are caught up in a dangerous web of intrigue when...
Brothers Frank and Joe Hardy investigate strange occurrences during Bayport Zoo's annual Hallowee...
Fenton Hardy, the famous private detective and father of the Hardy Boys, asks his sons to help hi...
Erstverkaufstag: 17.06.2025
A series of adventures begins for the Hardy boys after they sail their-ice boat to the desolate a...
AN ANCIENT HIDDEN TREASURE STIRS UP A CUNNING PLOT!Teen Village International brings Frank and ...
Fenton Hardy, the famous private detective and father of the Hardy Boys, asks his sons to help hi...
Frank and Joe help prevent 14-year-old cyclist Ken Blake from getting killed in an accident. As t...
The story begins with Frank and Joe Hardy barely avoiding being hit by a speeding driver, who the...
Frank and Joe Hardy were driving along on their motorcycles one pleasant afternoon when a roadste...
Frank and Joe Hardy were driving along on their motorcycles one pleasant afternoon when a roadste...
The Tower TreasureFrank and Joe Hardy were driving along on their motorcycles one pleasant aftern...
Frank and Joe help prevent Ken Blake from getting killed in a cycling accident. The Hardy Boys le...