'The Year of the Short Corn' was first published in 1949, and the war, or its immediate aftermath...
This is the first publication of the last collection of his short stories that Fred Urquhart plan...
By 1937, many people, both employed and unemployed, were anticipating war, but from 1939 they wer...
The scene is Edinburgh, 1939. Lives are about to change. Blackout, bomb shelters, cinemas, dance ...
Some of the best of Fred Urquhart's ghost stories are gathered in this volume. They include humor...
Originally published in 1940, Fred Urquhart's first collection of short stories brings to life th...
Highly praised by leading critics on its first publication, this collection of some of Fred Urquh...
Jezebel's Dust is the story of two young teenage girls infected by the love of uniforms in Edinbu...
Fred Urquhart's lively collection of stories deals with life in the immediate aftermath of the Se...