Fred Beiser, renowned as one of the world's leading historians of German philosophy, presents a b...
The Sovereignty of Reason is a survey of the rule of faith controversy in seventeenth-century Eng...
Diotima's Children is the first comprehensive re-examination of the rationalist tradition of aest...
The political thought of the German romantics covers a long period, beginning in the 1790s and ex...
Examines Hegel within his broader historical and philosophical contexts and introduces his highly...
Examines Hegel within his broader historical and philosophical contexts and introduces his highly...
Histories of German philosophy in the nineteenth century typically focus on its first half-when H...
The Sovereignty of Reason is a survey of the rule of faith controversy in seventeenth-century Eng...
No detailed description available for 'Enlightenment, Revolution, and Romanticism'.
Beiser's edition of 'The Early Political Writings of the German Romantics' comprises all kinds of...