Tad Jones ist Archäologe, Abenteurer, unerschrockener Held... - zumindest in seinen Träumen. Im w...
Erstverkaufstag: 01.01.2025
'Presented entirely in Spanish, Principios de lingèuâistica hispâanica is a semester-length textb...
El procesamiento de imágenes digitales es un área de intensa actividad tanto de investigación com...
This volume focuses on the beginning and development of the Neolithic in the territories near the...
The 14th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence 2017 (DCAI ...
El tratamiento quirúrgico de las enfermedades del páncreas supone un desafío tanto desde el punto...
Queer People of Color in Higher Education (QPOC) is a comprehensive work discussing the lived exp...
Queer People of Color in Higher Education (QPOC) is a comprehensive work discussing the lived exp...