The rediscovery of Enochic Judaism as an ancient movement of dissent within Second Temple Judaism...
Distinguished in the field of Enochic studies, Gabriele Boccaccini led the way in June 2005 at th...
Respected scholar Gabriele Boccaccini here offers readers a new and challenging view of the ideol...
In a bold challenge to the long-held scholarly notion that Rabbinic Judaism was already an establ...
The early Enoch literature does not refer to the Mosaic Torah or emphasize the distinctively Mosa...
Since Richard Laurence published the first English translation of 1 Enoch in 1821, its importance...
Since Richard Laurence published the first English translation of 1 Enoch in 1821, its importance...
Despite the impressive strides made in the past century in the understanding of Second Temple Jew...