HEAR US...Word PrayersJesus said, Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pas...
This qualitative study examines the transition challenges facing immigrant Somali students enteri...
The current system of protecting society's children from abuse is failing miserably. In this volu...
Inhaltsangabe1 Children's Competence to Consent: A Problem in Law and Social Science.- Changes in...
A collection of poetic discussions with the Holy Spirit of God through belief in Jesus Christ.
It is refreshing to see a book such as this which is both broad in its conceptualization of the f...
The details of the history of child advocacy have been vividly described in an article by Takanis...
Questo studio qualitativo esamina le sfide di transizione che gli studenti somali immigrati che e...
Diese qualitative Studie untersucht die Herausforderungen des Übergangs, denen sich somalische Ei...
Este estudo qualitativo examina os desafios de transição enfrentados pelos estudantes imigrantes ...
Este estudio cualitativo examina los problemas de transición que enfrentan los estudiantes somalí...
To jako¿ciowe studium bada wyzwania zwi¿zane z transformacj¿, przed jakimi staj¿ somalijscy imigr...