There is hardly any university, college, or even high school left where they do not teach Darwini...
There is hardly any university, college, or even high school left where they do not teach Darwini...
One curious feature of our times is the co-existence of a nearly unimaginable rapidity of communi...
Life's Journey is a rich exploration not only of biology but also of the meaning of life and deat...
We live in a paradoxical time. Science enables us to know more and more, but it seems to be about...
The mission of Aquinas and Modern Science: A New Synthesis of Faith and Reason is precisely to in...
Matters of Life and Death provides the reader with a moral compass by examining such pressing iss...
Matters of Life and Death provides the reader with a moral compass by examining such pressing iss...
In this outstanding work, Gerard Verschuuren responds to the popular myth that the Catholic Churc...
In this outstanding work, Gerard Verschuuren responds to the popular myth that the Catholic Churc...
Gerard Verschuuren examines the question of how genes may have changed from generation to generat...