Die brillante, aber zurückgezogen lebende Autorin Loretta Sage (Sandra Bullock) hat ihre Karriere...
Als Gordon Craigs große Deutsche Geschichte von 1866 bis 1945 im Jahre 1978 in Oxford erschien, w...
Kleists Marionetten-Essay ist einer seiner dunkelsten und unerschöpflichsten Texte. Gordon Craigs...
This classic account of interwar diplomacy examines the curious fate of the diplomat, 'the honest...
Recognized by historians and politicians as a model for European unity, Switzerland is nonetheles...
First published in 1911, On the Art of the Theatre remains one of the seminal texts of theatre th...
A biblical and practical case for three main evangelical views on remarriage after divorce Among ...
Recognized by historians and politicians as a model for European unity, Switzerland is nonetheles...
They have given mankind unique triumphs in science, literature, philosophy, music, and art. They ...