On Earth, an inexplicable change is occurring in young Tyson Mountford as an ancient power awaken...
This book is a novel exposition of the traditional workhorses of statistics: analysis of variance...
The ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians continues to raise fundamentalissues and...
With Zylar defeated and on the run, newly appointed Lord Chancellor Kabel Blackstone leads a join...
The Popular Songs of Scotland with Their Appropriate Melodies is an unchanged, high-quality repri...
This book is a novel exposition of the traditional workhorses of statistics: analysis of variance...
This book is an anthology of effective database management techniques representing the collective...
Environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) is an important and often obligatory part of pr...
The aim of this book is to present the mathematics underlying elementary statistical methods in a...
An elegant and inspiring guide to living organically.
From the outset, French opera generated an enormous diversity of literature, familiarity with whi...
The nightmare continues.Returning to Earth, Kabel and Tyson are fighting different battles. Kabel...