The Cross and the Hammer is a historical adventure novel by H. Bedford-Jones, set during the Viki...
H. Bedford-Jones, often called the 'King of the Pulps,' was a prolific writer of adventure fictio...
This vintage book contains Henry James O'Brien Bedford-Jones's 1928 novel, 'D'Artagnan'. Although...
Saint Michael's Gold is an adventure novel by H. Bedford-Jones, known as the 'King of the Pulps' ...
H. Bedford-Jones, often called the 'King of the Pulps,' was a prolific writer of adventure fictio...
H. Bedford-Jones (1887-1949) was a prolific Canadian-American writer, often referred to as the 'K...
Saint Michael's Gold is an adventure novel by H. Bedford-Jones, known as the 'King of the Pulps' ...
The Black Bull is a historical adventure novel by H. Bedford-Jones, a master of pulp fiction. Set...
From the pages of the December, 1920 issue of 'Adventure' magazine comes this thrilling tale of p...
The Cross and the Hammer is a historical adventure novel by H. Bedford-Jones, set during the Viki...
Carson's contraption failed as a mine-detector, but it could locate something buried much deeper:...
A strange and mysterious gem named the Sphinx Emerald leaves its trail through history: a witness...