Jonathan Dean (1924-2014) was a distinguished U.S. diplomat (1950-1980) and from 1984 to 2007 glo...
This book has peer-reviewed chapters by scholars from Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, Mexico a...
This book presents peer-reviewed texts from the International Peace Research Association¿s Ecolog...
In this volume security specialists, peace researchers, environmental scholars, demographers as w...
This book outlines the development and perspectives of the Anthropocene concept by Paul J. Crutze...
Addressing global environmental challenges from a peace ecology perspective, the present book off...
Globalization and Environmental Challenges pose new security dangers and concerns. In this refere...
The year 2007 could perhaps accurately be described as the year when climate change finally recei...
In this book 60 authors from many disciplines and from 18 countries on ¿ve continents examine in ...
Severe droughts, damaging floods and mass migration: Climate change is becoming a focal point for...
Coping with Global Environmental Change, Disasters and Security - Threats, Challenges, Vulnerabil...