Passive dynamic ankle-foot orthoses (AFO¿s) are used to improve gait performance in those with va...
Technical Report from the year 2019 in the subject Engineering - Mechanical Engineering, grade: 1...
Case Study from the year 2020 in the subject Business economics - Business Management, Corporate ...
This reference text discusses integrated approaches to improve the objectives of additive manufac...
Les orthèses dynamiques passives cheville-pied (AFO) sont utilisées pour améliorer la performance...
Passiwnye dinamicheskie golenostopnye ortezy (AFO) ispol'zuütsq dlq uluchsheniq pohodki u lüdej s...
Las órtesis dinámicas pasivas de tobillo-pie (AFO) se utilizan para mejorar el rendimiento de la ...
As órteses passivas dinâmicas do tornozelo (AFO) são utilizadas para melhorar o desempenho da mar...
Passive dynamische Knöchel-Fuß-Orthesen (AFO) werden zur Verbesserung der Gangleistung bei Mensch...
Le ortesi caviglia-piede (AFO) dinamiche passive sono utilizzate per migliorare le prestazioni de...