This book is including upon two new design, manufacturing and modelling of prosthetic feet. The n...
This book introduces a new technique to improve the body performance of the chicken through parti...
Probiotics (Greek: for life) are commonly defined as mono- or mixed cultures of live microbes. Wh...
With a view to continue the current growth momentum, excel in all phases of business, and create ...
Probiotics (Greek: for life) are commonly defined as mono- or mixed cultures of live microbes. Wh...
Ce livre porte sur deux nouvelles conceptions, fabrications et modélisations de pieds prothétique...
Niniejsza ksi¿¿ka zawiera dwa nowe projekty, produkcj¿ i modelowanie protez stóp. Nowa stopa jest...
Dieses Buch enthält zwei neue Designs, Herstellungs- und Modellierungsmethoden für Prothesenfüße....
Questo libro comprende due nuovi progetti, la produzione e la modellazione di piedi protesici. Il...
Este livro inclui dois novos projectos, fabrico e modelação de pés protésicos. O novo pé é o mais...
The Objective of this book is to guide structural engineering students and engineering profession...
Este libro incluye dos nuevos diseños, fabricación y modelado de pies protésicos. El nuevo pie es...