The concrete evaluation is necessary for the proper diagnosis of successful rehabilitation work. ...
In this book focus on the rating values of various dimensions with respect to range shows the pot...
The coastal environment presents serious problems to land use due to flooding, erosion, pollution...
The aim of the research is to evaluate the performance of high strength concrete(HSC) containing ...
Slope stability and seepage analysis of earth dam is very important to ascertain the stability of...
Rapid industrialization, improper solid and toxic waste management practices in urban areas often...
Book demonstrate that ¿provision of insulation in residential building for thermal comfort¿. By t...
L'industrialisation rapide et les mauvaises pratiques de gestion des déchets solides et toxiques ...
La rápida industrialización y las prácticas inadecuadas de gestión de residuos sólidos y tóxicos ...
A rápida industrialização, as práticas inadequadas de gestão de resíduos sólidos e tóxicos em áre...
Die rasche Industrialisierung und die unsachgemäße Bewirtschaftung fester und giftiger Abfälle in...
La rapida industrializzazione, le pratiche improprie di gestione dei rifiuti solidi e tossici nel...