Übersetzung von 'Le Petit Prince' ins»Patois Vaudois«, den frankoprovenzalischen Dialekt des Wa...
Erstverkaufstag: 30.01.2025
This book aims to summarize and report the major research achievements and validation results of ...
Erstverkaufstag: 11.03.2025
With the advancements in sensor and computation technologies, connected autonomous vehicle (CAVs)...
Erstverkaufstag: 12.02.2025
This book critically analyses how diverse Parties and non-Party stakeholders (such as governments...
Erstverkaufstag: 28.03.2025
This book offers a comprehensive exploration of the evolving world of medical tourism. It delves ...
The ability to analyze and understand massive data sets lagsfar behind the ability to gather an...
In practicing Tai Chi Ch'uan, the movements provide the frame work for developing its techniques....
This qualitative study is an attempt to explore the adaptive experiences of elderly Chinese careg...
Dannaq kniga prednaznachena dlq prepodawatelej russkogo qzyka kak inostrannogo, zhelaüschih usowe...
Ce livre s'intérese à l'optimisation dynamique et la commande optimale des stations de traitement...