A collection of five surveys on dynamical systems, indispensable for graduate students and resear...
Modern industry imposes ever increasing requirements upon tools and tool materials as to the prov...
In this popular account of the cosmic importance of black holes, the author explores the properti...
This is the second of a three-volume set collecting the original and now-classic works in topolog...
This book considers the theory of 'integrable' non-linear partial differential equations.
After the transition to free economy, governments of the former Soviet republics realized that in...
¿¿¿¿¿This is a sequel to the book by Dr. A. Ashimov and his colleagues, Macroeconomic Analysis an...
V monografii predstavlena sistema kompleksnoy meditsinskoy reabilitatsii bol'nykh s ozhogami vo v...
Tehnologiya skvazhinnoj gidrodobychi SGD razlichnyh tverdyh poleznyh iskopaemyh yavlyaetsya odnim...
In the processes studied in contemporary physics one encounters the most diverse conditions: temp...
The final volume of the three-volume edition, this book features classical papers on algebraic an...
Over the past fifteen years, the geometrical and topological methods of the theory of manifolds h...