'A paperback spinoff from Information: A Historical Companion that presents an accessible introdu...
In the mid-18th century a series of revivals flared within the colonies of British North America....
J. Anthony Blair is a prominent international figure in argumentation studies. He is among the or...
Frontmatter -- Introduction Eemeren, Frans ¿. van Grootendorst,, Rob Blair, J. Anthony Wi...
J. Anthony Blair is a prominent international figure in argumentation studies. He is among the or...
Frontmatter -- Introduction Eemeren, Frans ¿. van Grootendorst, Rob Blair, J. Anthony Wil...
In Challenge and Response: Justification in Ethics, Carl Wellman coined 'conduction' and 'conduct...
Frontmatter -- Introduction Eemeren, Frans ¿. van Grootendorst, Rob Blair, J. Anthony Wil...
This volume of the Argumentation Library contains a collection of twenty-six theor etical contri...
In der Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts flammte eine Reihe von Erweckungen in den Kolonien des britisch...