'On February 16, 1962, senior animator Marc Davis officially transitioned from Walt Disney Featur...
A fantastical picture book in which little Eliza Jane sets her heart on a prehistoric pet, meanin...
Join Rotten Robin and his gang of feathered friends as they hatch a plan to steal Christmas in th...
When a little girl sits down at her desk one day to write a story, she struggles to find her insp...
Wie schreibt man eine Geschichte? Nun, zuerst braucht man eine Hauptfigur. Zum Glück gibt es eine...
Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experien...
Diplodocus Dinah is BRILLIANT at everything. Everything except SURFING! Dinah just can't dino-do-...
New York 1931: Dr. Lowell ist ein bekannter Facharzt für Neurologie und Geisteskrankheiten, der i...
After Tyler's first experience of overt racism, his grandfather reminds him that another person's...
'How does a chick grow in an egg? Find out the answer and more about the life cycle of a chicken ...
Erstverkaufstag: 08.10.2015
Colour and embellish the gorgeous pages of this book, exploring the creative recesses of your min...