With over 150 alphabetically arranged entries about key scientists, concepts, discoveries, techno...
Band 6 der Gesammelten Schriften vereinigt kürzere Texte von Elias, die um die Themen Krieg und T...
Quantum mechanics is an extraordinarily successful scientific theory. It is also completely baffl...
»Es gibt«, so Norbert Elias, »menschliche Erfahrungen und Einsichten, die sich klarer und überzeu...
This volume offers one of the first systematic analyses of therise of modern social science. Co...
After World War Two, European States expected further wars. Many States including Switzerland, Fr...
The region of the São Francisco river valley in eastern Brazil encompasses two main components of...
In August 1942 Robert Schuman, the future founder of the European Community and the EU, escaped f...
UK's referendum vote to LEAVE the European Union caught the Government, many Britons and the EU H...
UK's Brexit referendum shocked both Her Majesty's Government and EU officials. Unlike other refer...
UK's June 2016 Brexit Referendum shocked politicians. They did not expect this Continental-wide c...
The Balkans!'The situation in Yugoslavia is much more serious than you predicted. It has worsened...