The English Stage: A History of Drama and Performance tells the story of the drama through its ma...
This introduction to drama explores the aims and techniques of the particular playwrights and the...
Buchner is the forerunner of expression, followed by Wedekind and Strindberg. The style is then t...
Anyone who takes an intelligent interest in theatre-going will find profit and stimulus in this b...
Professor Styan examines what a play is as well as understanding the dramatist's intentions towar...
Max Reinhardt was among the first to establish the importance of the director in modern theatre.
Epic theatre is studied from Piscator and Brecht to Dürrenmatt and Weiss, and is seen as flourish...
A rewarding study of four of Chekhov's major plays.
How do our ways of perceiving and producing Shakespeare differ from those of the nineteenth centu...
Restoration comedy disappeared from the stage for nearly 200 years until it was revived early thi...
This book will appeal to students, actors and directors of drama, as well as the theatregoers.
For many years, critics and students of Shakespeare have tended to stress that his plays are poet...