Accidents are unintentional, unpredictable and uncertain event that can occur anytime, anywhere l...
Cars operate through indistinguishable journeys yet being the most common part of life. If anythi...
Scientific Study from the year 2017 in the subject Computer Science - General, grade: 1.00, Unive...
Scientific Study from the year 2018 in the subject Computer Sciences - Artificial Intelligence, g...
Os acidentes são acontecimentos não intencionais, imprevisíveis e incertos que podem ocorrer em q...
Unfälle sind unbeabsichtigte, unvorhersehbare und ungewisse Ereignisse, die sich jederzeit und üb...
Los accidentes son sucesos no intencionados, impredecibles e inciertos que pueden ocurrir en cual...
Gli incidenti sono eventi non intenzionali, imprevedibili e incerti che possono verificarsi in qu...
Les accidents sont des événements involontaires, imprévisibles et incertains qui peuvent survenir...