In this triumphant bestseller, renowned novelist James A. Michener unfolds a powerful and poignan...
In this riveting, ambitious novel from James A. Michener, the renowned chronicler of epic history...
Literary legend James A. Michener was 'a Renaissance man, adventurous, inquisitive, unpretentious...
From a great master of historical fiction comes a brilliant tale of love amid war. James A. Miche...
James A. Michener, the master of historical fiction, revisits the scenes of his first great work,...
In a thrilling collection of nonfiction adventure stories, James A. Michener returns to the most ...
In this sweeping novel inspired by the Iran-Contra affair, master storyteller James A. Michener c...
Das Schicksal ruft friedliche Bürger von der Arbeit in der Fabrik oder im Büro und aus dem Kreis ...
In this eye-opening nonfiction account, world-renowned author James A. Michener details the reckl...
Showcasing the evocative artwork created by John Moll for this special edition, James A. Michener...
In his signature style of grand storytelling, James A. Michener transports us back thousands of y...