Walter Mitty is an ordinary man living an ordinary life. But he has dreams - vivid, extraordinary...
American Gridlock is a comprehensive analysis of polarization encompassing national and state pol...
From iconic American humorist James Thurber, a celebrated and poignant memoir about his years at ...
'An authentic American genius. . . . Mr. Thurber belongs in the great lines of American humorists...
This volume of previously uncollected work comprises prose pieces and drawings by the only cartoo...
Barack Obama entered office on a wave of popular expectation; will he exit at the hands of a Tea ...
The world of Thurber is splendidly sampled in these thirty stories, sketches, and articles that r...
'Political advertising plays a key role in modern electioneering and has formed part of political...
American Gridlock is a comprehensive analysis of polarization encompassing national and state pol...
Barack Obama entered office on a wave of popular expectation; will he exit at the hands of a Tea ...
'Campaign politics has become increasingly professionalized in recent years. The growing prevalen...
Taschenbuch.Etwas abgegriffen und fingerfleckig.Als Mängelexemplar gezeichnet.Knick im Cover.Umsc...