A chilling geopolitical thriller and real-world cautionary tale presenting a dark yet very possib...
'A pacy, gripping page-turner of a thriller . . . Don't venture into the future without having re...
From two former military officers and award-winning authors, a chillingly authentic geopolitical ...
Das Herzstück von Admiral James Stavridis' Ausbildung zum Marineoffizier war die Vorbereitung auf...
From the acclaimed authors of the runaway New York Times bestseller 2034 comes another explosive ...
From one of the great naval leaders of our time, a master class in decision making under pressure...
'Don't venture into the future without having read this book' ANDREW ROBERTSIt is twenty years on...
Erstverkaufstag: 18.03.2025
In The Admiral's Bookshelf-the third and final title in the Bookshelf series-Adm. James Stavridis...
Erstverkaufstag: 11.03.2025
From the acclaimed authors of the runaway New York Times bestseller 2034, another explosive work ...
Admiral James G. Stavridis, USN, reflects on his tenure as Commander of United States Southern Co...