In the sequel to Flowers and Stone, Luke and Darlina find their love severely tested as they stru...
Dive into an epic love story set deep in the heart of Texas.The year is 1970 when the lives of Da...
With empty pockets and a heart full of dreams Luke Stone leaves behind the nightmare of fifteen l...
Texas Authors have once again allowed their creative minds to open up and expand the Universe in ...
Indie Authors have once again allowed their creative minds to open up and expand the Universe in ...
Texas authors have once again allowed their creative minds to open up and expand the Universe in ...
Arctic and Subarctic North America is particularly affected by climate change, where average temp...
Arctic and Subarctic North America is particularly affected by climate change, where average temp...
Colt Layne owns the Layne Horse Sanctuary. He lives an idyllic life, between caring for the anima...
A shocking proposal that changes everything.Desperate to honor his father's dying wish, Layken Ma...
A shocking proposal that changes everything.Desperate to honor his father's dying wish, Layken Ma...
A true testament of character, resilience, and the magic of never giving up.The year is 1948 and ...