'The latest collaboration between Jason Baldinger and James Benger hits like perfect rock n' roll...
'Jason Baldinger and James Benger's Little Fires Hiding offers glances into alternate realities, ...
Jason Baldinger is a poet hailing from Pittsburgh and recently finished a stint as writer in resi...
James Benger is a father, husband and writer. His work has been featured in several publications....
The thing that gets me about Jason Baldinger's work is this: despite being wildly prolific, it's ...
Jason Baldinger is a poet from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. A former Writer in Residence at Osage Ar...
'In this collection of poems about temporary jobs, weak bosses, poor pay, and false choices, Jaso...
'Jason Baldinger's American Aorta pulses like a midwestern road trip to the dustbowl, the soundtr...
'Waiting on Hummingbirds, the latest dual poetry joint by Jason Baldinger and James Benger, is a ...