Two psychics plunge into a dark world of deadly secrets in this second installment of the Fogg La...
Erstverkaufstag: 29.07.2025
In this “fun-filled and sensational tale by the incomparable Jayne Ann Krentz” (RT Book Reviews),...
Harmony is a planet in the far future, aglow with an amber light and the psychic energy of its in...
Determined to open her own business, spunky Katy Wade must first produce an heir apparent to save...
Eugenia Swift is a young woman of singular sensibilities, a connoisseur of beauty...and naturally...
Jayne Ann Krentz has crafted 'romantic suspense of the highest order' ( in twenty-two ...
Indulge your HEART'S DESIRE with your most beloved authors in this very special collection. Selec...
One kiss and they're in over their heads...Deep WatersCharity Truitt and Elias Winter, two of the...
A Magazine Celebrating RomanceISSUE 7: FEBRUARY 2018Lezli Robyn & Tina Smith, EditorsShahid M...