Zu Lande, zu Wasser und in der Luft. Egal, wie Sie Güter transportieren, gilt es, eine schnelle, ...
The definitive book on TM is back! See how transportation management fits into your SAP S 4HANA l...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of three workshops on the application of evolution...
This book constitutes the joint refereed proceedings of six workshops, EvoWorkshops 2003, held to...
Evolutionary computation (EC) involves the study of problem-solving and op- mization techniques i...
The proceedings cover new perspectives in the field of lexicography, including both theoretical a...
Evolutionary Computation (EC) involves the study of problem solving and op- mization techniques i...
Evolutionary Computation (EC) is a rapidly expanding eld of computer science in which problem sol...
In der Reihe Lexicographica. Series Maior erscheinen schwerpunktmäßig Monographien und Sammelbänd...