The Shirley Jackson Award-nominated author returns with a new collection of literary horror and w...
Preventive Cardiology: How can we reduce CVD risk? An understanding of the importance of teaching...
Three Women, One BattleA world gone mad. Cities abandoned. Dreams invade waking minds. An invisib...
'Joe Koch is a phenomenal talent who writes with poetic fury. Heart-rending and fearsome, Convuls...
Beauty is a knife. Between the desire to create and the thing created, the model is a key, a ste...
Präventive Kardiologie: Wie können wir das Risiko für Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen senken? Wenn wi...
Cardiologia preventiva: como podemos reduzir o risco de DCV? A compreensão da importância do ensi...
Cardiologie préventive : comment réduire le risque de MCV ? Il est essentiel de comprendre l'impo...
Cardiología preventiva: ¿Cómo podemos reducir el riesgo de ECV? Comprender la importancia de ense...
Cardiologia preventiva: come ridurre il rischio di CVD? La comprensione dell'importanza dell'inse...