Harry Potter ist erwachsen - und das Abenteuer geht weiter!Es war nie leicht, Harry Potter zu sei...
Sachbuch-Bestenliste ZDF DLF Kultur Die Zeit - New York Times Best Books 2023 - National Book Awa...
Learn, review, and self-test with these bestselling flash cards! Fun, fast, and in full color, Ne...
In-Vehicle Corpus and Signal Processing for Driver Behavior is comprised of expanded papers from ...
This is an edited collection by world-class experts, from diverse fields, focusing on integrating...
Song of the Waterwheel is a true love story of two unlikely people, opposite personalities whose ...
DSP for In-Vehicle and Mobile Systems is focused on digital signal processing strategies for impr...
Another group of strange stories from my computer. As with everything I write there is a kernel o...
Strukturreformen (januar 2007) satte nye styringsmæssige rammer for offentlige institutioner i Da...
'The Theory of Atomic Spectra', surrrrnanzlllg all that was then known about the quantum theory o...
Compiled from papers of the 4th Biennial Workshop on DSP (Digital Signal Processing) for In-Vehic...
Observations'The market of stocks prices promise. If the promise fails the market rejects the sto...