Conrad Veidt, a native of Berlin, began acting in small parts as an extra until called into servi...
While Universal's Dracula and Frankenstein (both 1931) have received the most coverage of any of ...
A number of thrillers made in the 1920s and 1930s have become available again thanks to new techn...
The career of Claude Rains is often, and unfairly, overshadowed by the careers of the ever-popula...
The very first film actor to be identified with horror roles was Paul Wegener. A distinguished st...
Much has been written (and rewritten) about classic horror and science fiction films like Nosfera...
'I have here collection of the world's most astounding horrors' boasted Professor Lampini in Hous...
'I have here collection of the world's most astounding horrors' boasted Professor Lampini in Hous...
Although my grandfather had passed away before I was born, my mother's memories of him - and love...
Although my grandfather had passed away before I was born, my mother's memories of him - and love...