Lex Fisher is like a broken character in literature according to Porter, not a whore according to...
Mary Jess Parker, better-known as Jess as she's no Mary, married a rich man for his money, cheate...
Forbidden love is a tragic thing, it's the love you want but can't have.The 30 Day Exchange appea...
Zayn Parker, unlike his mom, Jess, isn't invisible, just feels invisible.With low grades that mak...
Evan Foster wasn't always his name, evil isn't him, just a part of what his lost, heartbroken, be...
Is paradise a place or a feeling? This is a question 22-year-old Savana Deans struggles with when...
With this day and age, everyone's stressing about something or someone. You have so much to worry...
People say a picture can paint a thousand words yet a painting still caused her thousands of tear...