Erstverkaufstag: 30.09.2025
Smart Industries in the Gig Economy: Scope, Opportunities, and Challenges discusses topics from m...
Wireless sensor networks have gained significant attention industrially and academically due to t...
Mind-Zoomers haben die Angewohnheit, weniger schnell zu denken, zusammen mit kreativen Bildern, d...
O reconhecimento de impressões digitais é uma abordagem avançada para a gestão da segurança que s...
'This book explores the theoretical and practical advancements of security protocols in wireless ...
This book covers the basic criteria to solve these issues by motorizing the wheelchair and making...
Die Fingerabdruckerkennung ist ein fortschrittlicher Ansatz für das Sicherheitsmanagement, der du...
Os deficientes físicos são muitas vezes desafiados pela sua incapacidade física de se moverem. De...
Körperlich beeinträchtigte Menschen werden oft durch ihre körperliche Unfähigkeit, sich zu bewege...
Mind zoomers have a habit of less velocity thinking along with creative pictures to remember in t...
Fingerprint recognition is a advanced approach for security management which supports by authenti...
Physically impaired people are often challenged by their physical inability to move around. In no...