Erstverkaufstag: 25.03.2025
'In an era of breathtaking change, Future-Focused Church provides leaders with a compass as well ...
If you really want to make a difference, you have to change, too. The only way that is going to h...
For justice work to make a real impact on students, leaders need to spend more time with their st...
Deep Ministry in a Shallow World will show you a new way to prayerfully reflect on the questions ...
Sex saturates the world our students are growing up in. Everywhere they look (or listen) they can...
Dr. Kara Powell's The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Family is a positive and practical 'ideas manua...
Fuller Youth Institute Executive Director Dr. Kara E. Powell and youth expert Chap Clark use rese...
Deep Social Justice for Your Ministry gives youth workers the opportunity to go beyond simply try...
In this journal, you'll explore the truth about sexuality based on what God has to say about it, ...
'Ayudenme! Soy una mujer en el ministerio juvenil!' analiza las cuestiones biblicas relacionadas ...
When the seniors walk out of your ministry and head towards college, do you think they'll be taki...