The works of Scottish politician, statesman and thriller writer John Buchan examined the nature o...
A man wakes up to a nightmarish scene with no idea of how he arrived there. An aging doctor makes...
'Reflections on Rainbows', poems, songs and stories by D.K. MacDonald is a glimpse into a world o...
Novelists Against Social Change studies the writing of John Buchan, Dornford Yates and Angela Thi...
Considered a quintessentially 'popular' author, John Buchan was a writer of fiction, journalism, ...
Considered a quintessentially 'popular' author, John Buchan was a writer of fiction, journalism, ...
Tricky begins with an ending, a young woman leaving her home and her exceptionally sheltered life...
A collection of edited essays on the novelist John Buchan (1875-1940), author of, among many othe...
This book explores ways in which education supports or negates the wellbeing and rights of young ...