The purpose of this book is to provide the student beginning undergraduate mathematics with a sol...
Why do leopards grow spots when tigers grow stripes? Is the universe round, square, or some other...
Since its first edition published in 1981, Set, Function and Logic has smoothed the road to highe...
Intelligence can be characterized both as the ability to absorb and process information and as th...
In this provocative and ground-breaking book, Professor Keith Devlin argues that in order to obta...
'The great book of nature,' said Galileo, 'can be read only by those who know the language in whi...
A comprehensive account of the theory of constructible sets at an advanced level, aimed at gradua...
This book provides an account of those parts of contemporary set theory of direct relevance to ot...
Papier und Bleistift wurden lange als die einzigen Hilfsmittel der Mathematiker betrachtet (einig...
This book provides an account of those parts of contemporary set theory of direct relevance to ot...