Days of Purgatory is a mystery thriller set against the backdrop of westward expansion. The actio...
Echoes of Evil rejoins Deacon Coburn and company in a new adventure that picks up storylines and ...
What do aspiring and practicing elementary science teacher education faculty need to know as they...
Nightmares of Terror, continuing the saga that began in Days of Purgatory, is set in and around D...
Grief is universal, permeating all avenues of life on planet earth; no one can escape it. Pain an...
Shadows of Revenge continues the story that began with Days of Purgatory. The sequel is an advent...
Grief is universal, permeating all avenues of life on planet earth; no one can escape it. Pain an...
Pieces of Justice is a tale on the move that continues the adventures of Deacon Coburn and compan...
Pieces of Justice is a tale on the move that continues the adventures of Deacon Coburn and compan...
Nightmares of Terror, continuing the saga that began in Days of Purgatory, is set in and around D...
Shadows of Revenge continues the story that began with Days of Purgatory. The sequel is an advent...
Set in and around the boomtown of Creede, Colorado, in 1892, Altars of Tomorrow is the final chap...