Kristen Simmons' fast-paced, gripping YA dystopian series continues in Breaking Point.After fakin...
In Kristen Simmons's Article 5, New York, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C., have been abandoned....
Avatar: The Last Airbender meets Gladiator in this epic duology conclusion about two elemental gl...
Avatar: The Last Airbender meets Gladiator in the first book in this epic fantasy duology in whic...
AT DAWN HE'LL BE GONE AND YOU'LL BE HERE FOREVER.Kristen Simmons's masterful breakout horror nove...
Erstverkaufstag: 01.08.2020
Avatar: The Last Airbender meets Gladiator in this exciting and fast-paced fantasy duology in whi...
Erstverkaufstag: 11.03.2025
The finale to Kristen Simmons's masterful horror duology that's 'Jumanji but Japanese-inspired' (...
Kristen Simmons' fast-paced, gripping YA dystopian series continues in Three.Ember Miller and Cha...
Kristen Simmons, critically acclaimed author of Article 5 and Metaltown, brings her trademark act...
'Like The Handmaid's Tale, Simmons's book serves as essential commentary on women's rights.'--Cos...
The series that began with The Deceivers continues in Scammed, the second twist-filled installmen...
The unpredictable truth will be revealed in Payback, the stunning conclusion to Kristen Simmons' ...