Am 26. August 1768 stach James Cook (1728-1779) von Plymouth aus mit der Endeavour in See, um den...
Nicht zuletzt begünstigt durch die sozialen Medien, hat sich in den letzten Jahren eine junge und...
'The Bacchae is an exceptionally important and influential Classical text: it is one of the most ...
Erstverkaufstag: 13.05.2025
All is True is Shakespeare's retelling of one of the most defining periods in English history, th...
Erstverkaufstag: 01.09.2025
Quick Guide to Diabetes Mellitus, Second Edition provides essential knowledge on the pathophysiol...
'In providing a comprehensive analysis of the experiences and outcomes of those who bring a claim...
Now in paperback, this volume summarizes, compares and contrasts the work of seven major theorist...
Imagine the school of the future!The Teaching Revolution provides a futuristic and provocative di...
Every woman's Bible for prevention against violence, this book is a milestone in the evolution of...
Make the painless transition from low tech to tech friendly!If you're just making the transition ...
?[Editors Browne and Olson] and nine other authors, mostly academics, attempt to fill the gap [a ...
The remarkable true story of Chesley 'Sully' Sullenberger's heroic crash landing in the Hudson Ri...